Measuring Community Engagement: Sustainable Methods for Capturing Community Impact Data
Posted by on March 19, 2012
PACC Spring Workshop Announcement
Registration now open for PACC’s Spring Workshop, May 31, 10 am-4 pm at Messiah College: Measuring Community Engagement: Sustainable Methods for Capturing Community Impact Data, led by Barbara Holland. Please note that this workshop is being held as a preconference for the Faith-based Service-Learning conference at Messiah College: “Serving Our Neighbors: Learning Across the Lines that Divide Us” which begins at 5 p.m on 5/31. Notice: Registering through PACC registers you for the PreConference ONLY.
Workshop Description:
Community engagement relies on reciprocal community partnerships, but how do we know the partners are satisfied with the relationship and what impacts, for good or bad, they are experiencing? Many colleges and universities are eager to craft an efficient and sustainable method for collecting both descriptive and analytical data about their community engagement programs and partnerships; however, data collection models can be difficult to design and maintain. No one model serves all institutions well; the approach must reflect goals and culture of the institution and communities. This workshop will engage participants in activities that will help clarify purposes and goals for data collection and develop the initial vision for an approach to data collection that is specific, focused and useful. We will also brainstorm strategies for generating respondent participation, and look at a few examples of existing models. Participants should be prepared to share information about their goals for data collection and ways the data may be used, and to discuss any current or past attempts to seek data from partners.
Registration fees:
Campus Compact member $50, non-Campus Compact member $75.
To register go to: 09:30:00.528159
Registration deadline is May 11, 2012
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