Mayor’s Office Seeking Transit Advocates
Posted by on June 20, 2003
[posted from Logan Times-Independent News Group]
Mayor’s Office Seeking Transit Advocates
Candidates Sought To Fill Vacancies
A Logan News Group Staff Report
In response to an "Open Letter To Mayor Street" regarding vacant seats on SEPTA’s Citizen Advisory Committee(CAC); Logan News Group has been contacted by the Mayor’s Office seeking Candidates.
The Citizen’s Advisory Committee is an independent representative for riders, and potential riders of public transit. They are concerned with the performance, safety, quality and reliability of SEPTA in the 5 county region, and are involved with fares, setting policy and planning. Strong Public Transportation advocates are sought. The City of Philadelphia has several vacancies. Transportation advocates hold SEPTA and other governmental agencies accountable and are involved with other issues affecting public transit in the region, including recent proposed fare increases and service cut backs.
If you are interested in serving on the CAC please contact us and we’ll forward your information to the Mayor’s Office of Transportation. For more about SEPTA’s CAC please see <a href=""></a>
The only experience needed is a desire to see a more effective SEPTA System and the ability to attend two monthly meetings at 1234 Market Street. Meetings are usually held in the early evening. Selected candidates receive free access to SEPTA and are serving on a voluntary basis. Terms are for three years.
A brief "Biographical Statement" outlining your interest and ‘activism’ is requested. These may be forwarded to Logan News Group at [email protected] and we’ll see that the Mayor’s Chief of Staff
receives them.
DEADLINE for replies: June 30, 2003 5:00 P.M.
By Mail: Joyce Wilkerson, Chief of Staff
Mayors Office Room 215
City Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290
CONTACT Person: Stephanie Mas 215-686-2161
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