Matching Grants Program to Support Wetland and Coastal Projects
Posted by on January 22, 2007
Five-Star Restoration Matching Grants Program to Support Wetland and Coastal Projects
Deadline: March 9, 2007
The National Association of Counties (<a href=""></a>), the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (<a href=""></a>), and the Wildlife Habitat Council (<a href=""></a>), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (<a href=""></a>) and the Southern Company (<a href=""></a>), are seeking applications for the Five-Star Restoration Matching Grants Program.
This program provides modest financial assistance on a competitive basis to support community-based wetland, riparian, and coastal habitat restoration projects that build diverse partnerships and foster local natural resource stewardship through education, outreach, and training activities.
The stars in "Five-Star" are the partners, funders, and/or participants necessary to complete the project, including, but not limited to, schools or youth organizations; local or tribal governments; universities and local cooperative extension districts; local businesses or corporations; conservation organizations or local citizens groups; state and federal resource management agencies; and foundations or other funders. Projects must involve diverse partnerships of ideally five organizations that contribute funding, land, technical assistance, workforce support, and/or other in-kind services.
In addition to EPA funding for projects located within any U.S. state or territory, $200,000 in additional grant funding from Southern Company is available for projects located in areas of Georgia, Alabama, the Florida Panhandle, and southeast Mississippi. (See the NFWF Web site for eligible geographic locations within these areas.)
Awards are between $5,000 and $20,000 each, with the average grant about $13,000. Projects that can leverage the funds requested with significant cash or in-kind contribution from project partners are considered much more competitive.
Visit the NFWF Web site for complete program information.
RFP Link: <a href=""></a>
For additional RFPs in Environment, visit: <a href=""></a>
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