Mapping and Geographic Information Systems for Nonprofits
Posted by on October 26, 2009
Mapping and Geographic Information Systems for Nonprofits
Cases and How To’s
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Buffalo Billiards (2nd floor)
118 Chestnut Street (Olde City)
Philadelphia, PA
Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are becoming more prevalent and easier to create and use. Nonprofits and social change groups are utilizing these tools in new and creative ways.
What you’ll learn by attending:
HOW CAN YOU present your message geographically?
Matthew Fisher of Night Kitchen Interactive will share the upcoming ( resource which is working to “illuminate the history and culture of Philadelphia’s unique neighborhoods” through an interactive map of personal stories connected to specific locations.
HOW CAN YOU engage the public and crowd-source the collection of data?
Katie Edwards of Clean Air Council will share the tools used to create (, a site for the public to report idling vehicles around the city and collectively work to reduce air pollution.
HOW CAN freely available Census data help you accomplish your mission?
Anne Jeffers of the US Census Bureau ( will share how to access the census data, what sort of information is available, and how you can incorporate it into your work.
HOW CAN GIS inform policy and directly engage the public in the political process?
Tamara Manik-Perlman of Avencia will discuss (, a joint project with Committee of 70 to study the gerrymandering of legislative districts and present it to the public in an easy to use website.
….and perhaps one more thing (as Jeremy does his Steve Jobs impersonation)
RSVP on facebook; tweet your followers, facebook your peeps, and pencil the date on your calendar because we’re getting our GIS on.
More in "Other Local Events and Workshops"
- Webinar: Strategies for Minimizing Your Nonprofit’s Employment Law Risks in this New Legal Landscape – Mar 25
- PANO and Nonprofit Center at LaSalle: Virtual Panel & Conversation – Mar 13
- Webinar: Solutions to the Youth Mental Health Crisis – Mar 11
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