Logan-Cooke-Villanova Partnership
Posted by on August 22, 2003
Logan News Group’s D. Michael Blackie will be hosting a small group of Villanova University students as they learn about Logan, and about “Coaching” Cooke Middle School students. Through Dr. Mark J. Doorley’s “Ethics” Service Learning course http://www28.homepage.villanova.edu/mark.doorley/ the Villanova Students will be engage in a semester long “Service Learning” opportunity. Students will learn about themselves and about “Mentoring” as they work with 7th and 8th grade students at an inner city Middle School’s extended day After-School Program.
On Tuesday, and Wednesday, September 16 & 17, 2003 from 3:30 P.M. until 4:45 P.M. students in Doorley’s Ethics 2050 Class (Honors/Non-Honors) will be hosted by the Editor of The Logan TIMES~Independent and other “Logan Experts” as a part of their experience. We will meet at J. Cooke Middle School at Old York Road and Louden Street (http://www.mapquest.com) at 3:15 P.M. You may plan on being back at the school by no later than 5:00 P.M.
Part of the time will be a “Classroom Experience” and a part of it will be a “Field Trip” [walking] tour of the Logan area. (Particularly the “Sinking Homes” area around 10th Street and Roosevelt Blvd). The classroom portion will examine student’s thoughts, feelings and motives for their involvement in the program at Cooke Middle School through a series of ‘observations’ and “Object Lessons”. Both the classroom experience and the walk promise to be informative, exhilarating and reflective. Join Us!
Care to join us? E-mail [email protected] by September 7th. You will be expected to participate fully in both days, and both parts of the Experience. We look forward to your reply.
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