Local Sustainability Matching Fund
Posted by on September 17, 2012
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities Announces Round Two of Local Sustainability Matching Fund
Deadline: October 1, 2012
The Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, in partnership with the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, has announced the opening of round two of the Local Sustainability Matching Fund.
Initiated with leadership support from the Kendeda Fund, the New York Community Trust, the Summit Foundation, and the Surdna Foundation, the fund provides matching investments from national foundations on a competitive basis to build partnerships between local government sustainability directors and local place-based foundations to advance discrete sustainability initiatives that demonstrate broad community support and engagement.
The proposal must be submitted by a team of at least two partners who are 1) the sustainability director of a city (municipality) or a county and 2) the local place-based foundation. A sustainability director may include a USDN member or associate member from North America (United States and Canada) or any person who leads a multi-department and community-wide urban sustainability initiative from within a city (municipality) or county government. A local place-basedfoundation may include a community foundation, private foundation that focuses on a greater metropolitan area, or corporate foundation.
The fund made $250,000 in awards to five innovative city sustainability projects in its first round and anticipates supporting another five to six projects in round two. The fund will provide partnership investments between $25,000 and $75,000, with a 1:1 match required by one or more local foundations.
The complete Request for Proposals, an FAQ, and an idea bank of summaries of all project ideas submitted in round one are available at the Funders Network Web site.
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