Literary Arts Emergency Fund Opens for Second Round of Funding – Jan 5
Posted by Literary Arts Emergency Fund on December 7, 2021
The Academy of American Poets, Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP), and National Book Foundation are welcoming applications for a second round of funding through the Literary Arts Emergency Fund. A total of $4.3 million is available for nonprofit literary arts organizations and publishers experiencing continued financial losses due to COVID-19. Regrants from this fund are made possible by a renewed grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The Literary Arts Emergency Fund will award one-time, unrestricted emergency grants from $5,000 to $50,000. Grant amounts will be determined by the following factors: financial need and projected loss due to COVID-19; budget size; diversity, equity, and inclusion as it relates to an organization’s staff and board; poets and writers contracted with; audiences served; geographic location; and an organization’s ability to continue offering programming. Grants will be awarded to organizations that promote poets and/or poetry; publishers (literary magazines and presses); and literary or writers’ centers, book festivals, Writers in the Schools programs, literary presenting organizations, and other literary organizations.
To be eligible, applicants must be literary arts organizations and publishers, and incorporated nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status (or a fiscal agent); and based in the United States, U.S. territories, or Tribal lands. Because recent financial losses experienced by nonprofit literary arts organizations and publishers have been substantial and emergency relief is limited, libraries, museums, book arts organizations, humanities councils, centers for the book, residencies, playwriting organizations, author’s homes, and organizations devoted to championing the legacy of an individual writer are ineligible.
Application deadline: January 5, 2022
For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the Academy of American Poets website.
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