Links to Learning Training
Posted by on February 6, 2004
Are you looking to enhance your afterschool program? It’s not too late to register for our March 22-245th, 2004, NIOST Spring Seminars at the John Hancock Conference Center in Boston, Massachusetts.
Links to Learning Training: March 22-23, 2004.
This training is for afterschool staff and school administrators who are looking to link school day curriculum to afterschool programming.
We believe that children and youth learn best when they are engaged in activities that build on and reinforce skills taught during the school day.
Our Links to Learning training is designed for children and youth to develop knowledge, skills and relationships while having fun.
Goals for Training
To experience how out-of-school time program activities can support and complement school day learning. Participants will learn how to link and support their state’s Core Curriculum Standards by integrating the following elements into their programs: Literacy, Math, Science, and Project Based Learning.
Attendees will return to their programs with the skills and materials to initiate Links to Learning in their after school setting.
Two Day Training Components:
Our Links to Learning seminar includes two days of research based training and hands on activities that teach participants how to support Literacy including Written and Oral Communication Skills; Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills; Science; and Project Based Learning.
This training encompasses activities for children 5-15 years of age and demonstrates how to build on concepts taught at school that are useful and necessary throughout life.
Links to Learning participants will receive a certificate of program completion.
Introductory Quality Advisor Training: March 24-25, 2004. This training is for those who want to build skills in technical assistance and program improvement.
Goals of Training:
Learn to build a mentoring relationship with each program.
Learn to support programs at all developmental stages.
Learn to use observations to identify areas for program support.
Identify next steps.
Two day Training Components:
Explanation of the NSACA Standards and Accreditation Application Process
Introduction to the ASQ Process of Program Evaluation
Supervised site visit including Completion of Program Observation
Questionnaire Techniques for Program Improvements and Staff Support
Introductory Quality Advisor participants will receive a certificate of program completion.
For more details visit our website at
Questions? call Kathy Schleyer at 781-283-2546 or email her at [email protected].
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