Lead-Safe Remodeling and Renovation Train-the-Trainer Course
Posted by on January 12, 2009
Alliance and Isles Offer Two-Day Lead-Safe Remodeling and Renovation Train-the-Trainer Course in Trenton, NJ, January 21-22
Do you want to build capacity in your community to implement the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) lead-safe renovation, repair, and painting (RRP) rule? Are you looking for an income stream for your organization? If so, please consider becoming an accredited trainer to teach contractors how to use lead-safe work practices required by the new RRP rule!
In order to comply with the RRP rule, most contractors will need to take an 8-hour class from an accredited trainer by April 2010, and there will be a huge demand for local deliveries of the class. The Alliance for Healthy Homes firmly believes that we need local housing organizations, tenants’ organizations, advocacy groups, health departments, and others to step up and help meet the training demand. The RRP classes can be offered for a fee, providing organizations and agencies with a new income stream and complementing existing training efforts.
To help increase the number of trainers, the Alliance, in partnership with Isles’ Center for Energy and Environmental Training (an arm of Isles, Inc., a Trenton-based housing and environmental non-profit, http://www.isles.org), will offer a “train-the-trainer” program in Trenton on Jan. 21-22 for organizations interested in becoming accredited trainers under the EPA rule.
This program will cover: the requirements established by the EPA to become an accredited trainer and how to meet them, how to market the training and recruit participants, and a review of the model curriculum, along with hints on how to best deliver it, with a special emphasis on hands-on materials. The program draws upon the Alliance’s experience in helping organizations across the country develop lead-safe work practice training programs.
The fee for the course is $225. Limited discounts are available, so please enquire. More details about the course are available at http://afhh.org/res/res_training_RRP_train_the_trainer_flyer.pdf.
If you would like to register for the scheduled classes, or have any other questions, contact Patrick MacRoy, the Alliance’s Executive Director, at [email protected] or 202-347-7610 ext. 14.
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