Lead Instructor, Learning to Work Project
Posted by on September 8, 2008
[emailed 9/5/08]
Title of Position: Lead Instructor
Reports to: Learning to Work Project Manager
Primary Objective: This is a unique opportunity to work with and motivate a selected group of 9th graders who are overage and under-credited to provide them with academic enrichment and career/life skills for one school year at Overbrook High School as part of the Learning to Work Project Grant. The Lead Instructor is responsible for providing educational instruction to 100 assigned students in a structured classroom environment designed to promote intellectual, emotional and social growth. The Lead Instructor will create teaching plans around the Learning to Work model that are appropriate for the students’ age and population served. He/she will interface with other teachers of the 9th graders, the Communities in Schools Social Worker, school administration and the Philadelphia Academies, Inc. staff on the project on a weekly basis.
Responsibilities and Duties:
• Implement and support additional curriculum for the full school year that focuses on the Learning to Work Project requirements and the infusion of the Career/Life Skills frameworks of the Philadelphia Academies, Inc. Students will:
o participate in workshops on Goal Setting, Career Exploration, Perception/Attitude, Problem Solving, Networking, Resume Writing, Interviewing, Business Etiquette, College research
o create their own resumes,
o participate in informational interviews
o visit worksites in anticipation of applying for internships.
o create portfolios
o solicit their own summer internships from a group of business partners
o work with business mentors to create their own goals and projects on the job
o develop self-discovery and leadership skills with programs such as Digital Storytelling
o strengthen reading, writing and math skills through the regular use of such programs as Teen Biz
• Teach four classes per day, five days per week.
• Organize with Philadelphia Academies, Inc. staff corporate tours, trips and college tours based on the interests of the students.
• Keep updated calendar of services provided for LTW tracking database.
• Suggest interventions as needed to improve student performance in internships and employment.
• Facilitate TABE assessments as required by the grant and record scores.
• Work with CIS Social Worker to ensure access to support services for the students as needed or assessed.
• Facilitate and lead leadership development.
• Collaborate with the students’ core subject teachers to reinforce LTW messages and support academic objectives.
Skills Necessary for the Successful Performance of Responsibilities and Duties:
• Current PA teacher certification.
• Strong interpersonal skills. Outstanding verbal and written communication skills and classroom facilitation skills.
• Proficient at facilitating Project-Based Learning.
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
• Ability to communicate effectively with young people, apply the developmental needs of adolescents to student instruction and show appreciation for the unique life experiences of each student. Enjoy working with high school youth.
• Ability to engage and motivate this group of students to come to school and to be active participants in the LTW program.
• Excellent organizational and project management skills to deliver curriculum.
• Ability to develop self-direction, self-sufficiency, work readiness and leadership skills among the participants.
• Creativity for development and implementation of the curriculum.
Full-time, temporary position for a consultant to start immediately and work through the end of the grant in August 2009. Competitive salary.
For more information, contact: (215) 546-6300
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