Laura Bush Foundation grants for school libraries
Posted by Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries on October 27, 2014
The mission of the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries is to help school libraries (a) encourage and foster a love of reading; (b) support student learning; and (c) make books and reading materials available to students who otherwise would not have access to them.
1. Your school has been in operation for a minimum of one year prior to your application so that you are able to provide accurate information about the percentage of students in your school eligible for the free or reduced lunch program (FRL).
2. Your school has a student body where 85% or more of your students qualify for free or reduced lunches.
3. Your school has a school library that meets the following definition:
A library is a uniquely designated space in which books and other materials are systematically classified and arranged by subject and type. They are stored in a place and manner that allows access to all students and adults in the school.
Please note that the definition does not include classrooms or classroom sets of books, collections of books stored in a room that are not organized and classified in a systematic way, or collections of books on rolling carts of any description.
4. The day-to-day oversight and operation of your school library is carried out by a paid contracted staff member who fits the following definition:The person is designated by the school administration as responsible for the collection, care, and use of the materials housed in the dedicated space of the library.
5. Your school has not previously received a grant from the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries. Schools that have previously received a grant from the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries are ineligible to apply.
Due December 15.
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