Kodak American Greenways Awards
Posted by on February 21, 2003
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Conservation Fund Offers Kodak American Greenways Awards
The Kodak American Greenways Awards, a partnership project of the Eastman Kodak Company, the Conservation Fund, and the National Geographic Society, provides small grants to stimulate the planning and design of greenways in communities throughout America.
Greenways are corridors of protected, public and private land that link recreational, cultural, and natural features, provide pathways for people and wildlife, protect forests, wetlands and grasslands, and improve the quality of life for everyone.
The Kodak American Greenways Awards are designed to: develop new, action-oriented greenway projects; assist grassroots greenway organizations; leverage additional money for conservation and greenway development; and recognize and encourage greenway proponents and organizations.
Grants may be used for activities such as: mapping, ecological assessments, surveying, conferences, and design activities; developing brochures, interpretative displays, audio-visual productions or public opinion surveys; hiring consultants, incorporating land trusts, building a foot bridge, planning a bike path, or other creative projects. In general, grants can be used for all appropriate expenses needed to complete a greenway project including planning, technical assistance, legal and other costs.
Awards will primarily go to local, regional, or statewide nonprofit organizations. Although public agencies may also apply, community organizations will receive preference. The maximum grant is $2,500. However, most grants range from $500 to $1,000.
Applications may be submitted online from March 1 to June 1 of each calendar year. For complete applications instructions and to review descriptions of previously awarded projects, see the Conservation Fund Web site at http://www.conservationfund.org/?article=2372.
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