K-12 Geography Grants
Posted by on May 28, 2004
[posted from RFP Bulletin]
National Geographic Society Education Foundation Offers Grosvenor Grants
Deadline: September 7, 2004
The Grosvenor Grant Program of the National Geographic Society Education Foundation supports efforts to engage K-12 students and teachers in the exploration of geographic skills and perspectives leading to an appreciation of the world, its peoples, and its resources.
In 2004, the program seeks proposals for projects and/or programs that will raise the visibility of geography education by demonstrating its vibrancy and relevance to students’ lives and the life of the community, state, and region. Partnerships between state geographic alliances, schools, community colleges, universities, businesses, governmental agencies, and other nonprofit organizations are encouraged as a means to promote geography as a core academic subject.
NGSEF seeks innovative proposals that address one or more of the following categories: Establishing Geography’s Position and Importance in the K-12 Curriculum; Engaging K-12 Students in Real-World Geographic Issues; Supporting Innovation in Professional Development of K-12 Geography Educators; and Supporting the Work of State Geography Alliances.
Projects involving disadvantaged children and underserved urban and rural regions in the United States are particularly encouraged.
First-time applicants must submit a letter of inquiry and receive a reply from NGSEF encouraging submission of a full proposal.
See the NGSEF Web site for complete program details, application guidelines, and samples of past grants.
See RFP Link: <a href="http://nationalgeographic.com/education/teacher_community/grosvenorgrants/index.html">http://nationalgeographic.com/education/teacher_community/grosvenorgrants/index.html</a>
For additional RFPs in Education, visit: <a href="http://fdncenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_education.jhtml">http://fdncenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_education.jhtml</a>
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