ISCV PhillyBlocks Conference
Posted by on June 16, 2006
For the past week, participants in the PhillyBlocks email list have discussed (online) holding a city-wide block activists conference as the summer ends to establish with City/School District representatives how we can continue to improve our blocks and neighborhoods in the coming year.
ISCV has set the date, time and place for this PhillyBlocks Conference: Saturday, September 9th, 9:00 AM-Noon at the Convention Center. (Registration will begin around 8:00 AM, with light food for breakfast).
The areas of concern will be those raised regularly on the PhillyBlocks list–block conflicts, blight, trash (recycling and otherwise), crime, Kids (how can we help kids throughout the school year), and helping people in need (home repair, housing counseling, fuel assistance,health services, food, etc.)
The specific goal of the conference is to enable City/School District officials to establish with block and neighborhood activists how specifically we can work together in these areas in the coming year. This will be more than ‘show and tell.’ In keeping with the Institute’s Social Contract Project, we want to leave the event with a clear understanding of what the block activists are prepared to do–and what the City Departments are prepared to do–to make progress in each of these areas.
Institute for the Study of Civic Values, 1218 Chestnut St., Rm. 702, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 215-238-1434
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