Internships needed for innovative new technology program
Posted by on April 23, 2004
April 14, 2004
18 eleventh-graders at Garnet Valley High School (located in Glen Mills, PA) are learning how to set up their own e-Commerce websites to promote business ideas and to facilitate workflows. They are building these websites with Dreamweaver and HTML, skills they were taught by professors from Delaware County Community College. Their learning was aided by sophisticated e-Learning software they are able to access right from their homes. In addition to hands-on internet skills, these students are also learning how to build and use business databases with Microsoft Access. MENTOR I.T. is providing them with an up-to-date technology curriculum that not only provides them with marketable skills, but also teaches them the importance of technology to business productivity, communication, process and customer service. Professionals from neighborhood companies (?mentors?) visit the students regularly in a school computer lab and deliver these technology skills. In addition to teaching the students, the mentors form productive, sustaining relationships with the students, and guide them towards productive futures in technology.
These students are taking part in a unique program offered by MENTOR I.T. MENTOR I.T. is a non-profit organization whose mission is to raise the scientific and technical expertise of our country’s high school students and teachers through an innovative three-part program involving mentoring, software-based training and summer internships. Dan Goldman, a graduate student at the Wharton School, founded the organization in 2003. Prior to starting the company, Dan was researching trends in education and found that a surprisinglylow number of U.S. high school graduates were pursuing technical fields of study in college and in their careers. The technical fields lacking interest include information technology, engineering, physical science, finance, accounting, insurance and other areas. Dan decided that innovative programs are needed at the high school level that will introduce students to technical fields in a real, exciting, meaningful way. Dan found that the need is particularly evident with students from underrepresented groups (i.e. those affected by the ?Digital Divide?). Dan reasoned that if students who were about to enter college could see and experience the power of technology (and how it can influence business and the world), they would be excited enough to pursue it as a legitimate career goal once they moved on from high school. In response to the startling trends he discovered, Dan created MENTOR I.T. to help direct young people, particularly those from underrepresented groups, toward productive futures in technology.
MENTOR I.T. involves three parts: First, students complete a two-part training program during the school year. The first part is an e-Learning-based training program. Using sophisticated e-Learning software, students learn about technology in a unique, effective manner using a flexible tool that accommodates the schedule of a busy high-schooler. The second part of the training is mentoring. Based on the strength of the MENTOR I.T. sponsor network, companies in the area of the high-school are asked to donate the time of subject-matter- experts who bring to life the material being delivered by the e-Learning tools. Through the use of assignments, team-projects, and live, working systems the students create themselves, these mentors ensure the students understand their new skills and how these tools apply to the real world. The third part of the training involves summer internships. With the help of companies from the community, students get a chance to practice their technology skills, as well as make corporate contacts and gain real experience.
How Can You Help
So far, as of April 15, 2004, eight out of 18 students at Garnet Valley have already been placed in internships for this upcoming summer. The sponsoring companies include Deloitte Consulting, Aetna US Healthcare, Southco Company and Info Systems. The internships will run from June through August, and most of the positions are paid (at a rate of approximately at $7/hour).
During their internships, the students will be assisting I.T. departments in areas such as technical support, data analysis, and customer service. Some students will be assisting tech support personnel. Some will be assisting on consulting projects performing data analysis. Some will be entering tickets on a helpdesk. The scope of the nature of the position is limitless given the broad range of training MENTOR I.T. students have received across the I.T. discipline.
MENTOR I.T. is in need of ten more positions for the summer of 2004. The goal is to provide students with an opportunity to practice some of the skills they have learned and give them a chance to add value to an organization. The timeframe and hours of the internship are flexible, as is the pay rate (unpaid internships will be considered). As long as the internships involve technology and will show the students how I.T. facilitates the flow of business, the goals will be reached.
As the internships need to begin in June 2004 (preferably by June 15th, 2004), the organization needs to your help as soon as possible. Please contact Dan Goldman at 215-262-5629 to become a part of the exciting, important community initiative. Please keep in mind that MENTOR I.T. is supported by the University of Pennsylvania, Representative Stephen Barrar (R, Delaware County) as well as numerous educators, scholars and experienced government and business leaders. MENTOR I.T. is a registered nonprofit organization in the state of Pennsylvania.
Thank you for your support.
Dan Goldman
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