International Conference on Service-Learning Research
Posted by on March 21, 2003
Service-Learning As Civically Engaged Scholarship
Thursday, November 6 – Saturday, November 8, 2003
Sheraton City Centre Hotel – Salt Lake City, Utah
Hosted by:
University of Utah and the Lowell Bennion Community Service Center
Sponsored by: RMC Research Corporation, Campus Compact, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
FRIDAY, March 28, 2003
The conference will convene a group of international scholars and practitioners who are actively engaged in service-learning research to present new study findings, methodological and theoretical advances, and recently completed research agendas for the study of service-learning in K-12 education, teacher education, and higher education.
Topical strands include: theory/methodology, community input and impact, pedagogy (i.e. technology, reflection), faculty (i.e. motivation, rewards), students (i.e. impact), K-12, citizenship/civic engagement, and empirically based “how-to’s”.
To be considered, proposals must be received by Friday, March 28, 2003. In addition, to paper sessions and interactive topical sessions, the conference will include invited speakers and symposia, roundtable discussions, debate forums, a graduate student program, special interest group meetings, resource sharing, and networking opportunities. The conference is scheduled to begin at noon (MST) on Thursday, November 6 and end Saturday, November 8, 2003 at 2:00 PM (MST).
The conference is tied to an annual monograph: Advances in Service-Learning Research, a book series edited by Shelley H. Billig and published by Information Age. Volume III of the book series, created from papers presented at the Second Annual Conference and co-edited by Janet Eyler and Shelley H. Billig, will be provided at the conference to participants. Volume IV will be co-edited by Shelley H. Billig and Marshall Welch and created from papers presented at the Third Annual Conference.
PAPERS (not interactive topical sessions) that are selected for and presented at the 3rd Annual Research Conference automatically become eligible to be submitted for peer-review and, if accepted by the peer-reviewers, publication in Volume IV of the Advances in Service-Learning Book Series. Note: The presentation of a paper at the conference only guarantees eligibility for submission in the book series peer-review process; it does not guarantee publication in the book series.
There is no limit to the number of proposals that may be submitted by an individual or group of individuals. The conference will offer a variety of opportunities for presentation. Overall, there are two types of presentations: (1) PAPER sessions, which focus on sharing the content of papers completed by the presenter(s) and (2) Interactive TOPICAL forums, which engage presenters and the audience in an in-depth discussion of a particular topic relevant to service-learning research.
All paper presentations, regardless of format, become eligible for review for the book series.
Panel Presentation Sessions (90 minutes): Each Paper Panel Presentation session will feature 2 or 3 PAPERS that are based on similar themes regarding service-learning research. Each paper will be presented by its respective author(s) (approximately 15-minute presentation per paper). A discussant will be assigned to respond to the three paper presentations (15 minutes total response). A chair will be assigned to introduce the presenters and to moderate a discussion among the panelists and audience (up to 30 minutes). Papers should focus on research findings, theoretical frameworks, and/or methodological issues for studying service-learning in any of the topical strands listed above and should be no more than 25 pages in length. A full draft of the completed paper is due to the discussant and session chair two weeks prior to the conference. Note: Maximum audience size: approximately 40 participants. Presenters are encouraged to paraphrase the content of their paper during their presentation rather than read text verbatim.
Featured Paper (Solo) Sessions (90 minutes): A very small number of outstanding papers, which have a broad appeal to the service-learning research community, will be selected to be featured for solo presentation in the area of the topical strands listed above. In this session, a 45-minute presentation of the paper will be followed by a 45-minute discussion of the paper with the audience. Given the very small number of papers that will be selected for this type of presentation, you are encouraged to also select other formats for presenting your paper. Maximum audience size: approximately 80 participants.
Roundtables (60 minutes): Paper Roundtable sessions are small, open discussion forums that focus on the content of a paper related to service-learning research. Typically, the presenter(s) of these sessions also serve as discussion facilitators. Unlike the previously described sessions, roundtable sessions are more informal and focus on discussion rather than presentation. These sessions are small, usually with no more than 12 conference participants in attendance.
Interactive Topical Sessions are not based on papers, but rather focus on the presentation and in depth discussion of an issue or a topic related to service-learning research in the areas of the topical strands listed above. Presenters may propose to discuss any topic related to service-learning research. We encourage a variety of creative approaches. The options listed below are suggestions and we welcome your unique session idea. Presentations may involve teams of presenters or individuals. Possible options include: 1) Theory Session: Explorations of one or more theoretical perspectives on service-learning and how they might form the basis for future research. Researchers from disciplines related to service-learning might be invited to share work with implications for service-learning research. 2) Issue Debate: Dialogue or debate among service-learning researchers with diverse points of view on controversial issues of service-learning research or theory. 3) Research Practice Session: Focus on research design, instrumentation or analysis techniques. 4) International Perspectives: Exploration of issues related to service-learning research in diverse international cultural contexts. 5) Your Unique Session Idea: We welcome your idea for a stimulating topic session that enhances understanding of service-learning research issues.
Note: Only PAPER presentations become eligible for book series review.
Topic Presentation Sessions (90 minutes): Individuals or groups may propose to participate in or convene a session that explores a particular topic related to service-learning research. Unlike the paper sessions, the interactive topic presentation sessions do not require the completion and submission of a paper. Time in a topic panel or presentation session should be divided between presenters and opportunities to engage the audience in an in-depth discussion with the audience regarding the topic. You can either (a) create your own panel or session by submitting a proposal that includes a complete list of confirmed participants or (b) agree to participate in a session that will that will be formed by the conference planning committee around a common theme found in various proposals. Maximum audience size: approximately 80 participants.
Roundtables (60 minutes): Roundtable sessions are small, open discussion forums that focus on a particular topic related to service-learning research. Typically, the presenter(s) of these sessions also serve as discussion facilitators. Unlike the previously described sessions, roundtable sessions are more informal and focus on discussion rather than presentation. These sessions are small, usually with no more than 12 conference participants in attendance.
Emerging Scholar Paper Presentations (90 minutes): We strongly encourage the participation of graduate students in the conference activities. A special 90-minute graduate student Emerging Scholars Paper Presentation Session will be offered. For this session, three research papers, submitted by graduate students, will be selected. Each student will present his/her paper for 15 minutes and then receive 15 minutes of feedback from leading service-learning researchers. Student papers should focus on service-learning research findings, theoretical frameworks for studying service-learning, and/or methodological issues for studying service-learning. Graduate students are also encouraged to submit proposals for any of the other aforementioned conference presentation sessions and formats.
Please think carefully about the various options and the formats that are most appropriate for your paper or in-depth topic discussion. Because the number of Paper Panel Presentation, Featured Paper, and Topic Panel Presentation slots are extremely limited. We encourage you to consider submitting your proposals for consideration under as many formats as possible. A proposal may be submitted for review under more than one format. For example, you might want to have a proposal intended for a Paper Panel presentation to also be considered for a roundtable. Please note that proposals that are submitted for Paper Panel Presentation sessions only and are not selected for presentation will not be considered for presentation under other formats. Please make sure to mark all of the appropriate boxes on the Proposal Cover Sheet in order that your proposal can receive full consideration.
To submit your proposal and to receive guidelines, please contact
[email protected]
FAX: (303) 825-1626
Postal mail: Service-Learning Research Conference
RMC Research Corporation
1512 Larimer Street – Suite 540
Denver, CO 80202
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