International Conference on Education and Social Justice
Posted by on March 28, 2003
Dear Service-learning colleagues,
Date: 13-15 June 2003
Location: San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, California, U.S.A.
Deadline for Early Registration: 1 May 2003
This small, collegial event will explore the innovations as well as the tensions that characterize current movements toward social justice in teacher education. By gathering a diverse group of educators who share commitments and priorities, this conference will offer rare opportunities to exchange ideas, develop resources, build networks, and explore possibilities for new directions in teacher education. Dozens of workshops with presenters from around the world will model and examine innovative ways to teach, learn, and learn to teach. Topics include innovations in teacher education; curriculum revision in various content
areas; perspectives on difference, oppression, justice, resistance; teaching in times of war; and much more. The tentative program is now online.
Featured Panels Include:
“Preparing Teachers for Anti-Oppressive Education: International Movements” Argentina * Australia * Brasil * Canada * England * Pakistan
“Reforming Teacher Certification in California: Problems, Paradoxes, and Possibilities” Linda Darling-Hammond * Jeannie Oakes * Eric Rofes
“Teacher Education in Times of War: Why Our Work Matters” Herbert Kohl * Margo Okazawa-Rey * Richard Ruiz * Mara Sapon-Shevin
Saturday Evening Spokenword Performance by A Mic and Dim Lights Alumni Poets
All educators, researchers, and educational leaders and advocates throughout the United States and the world and from all levels and disciplines are invited to register. A special invitation is extended to teacher educators, school teachers, and teachers in training. The Early Registration Fee is U.S.$100.00 and needs to be received by May 1st. Please go online to register.
Participants are responsible for their own transportation, lodging, and meals. The conference hotel is offering a generously reduced rate for participants. After preregistering, participants will receive a letter that confirms their registration and provides more information on travel and lodging.
The conference hotel is located five minutes south of the San Francisco International Airport and is easily accessible to destinations throughout the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area. In addition to the many local cultural and historical resources, participants are encouraged to take advantage of two events taking place before, during, and after the conference weekend: The San Francisco Black Film Festival and the San Francisco International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.
The International Conference on Education and Social Justice is organized by the Center for Anti-Oppressive Education (CAOE). For more information on the Conference and the Center, please visit our website at or contact the Director of CAOE, Dr. Kevin Kumashiro, via e-mail at
[email protected].
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