Institute for Arts and Transformation
Posted by on March 17, 2006
Prepare to make a difference in Philadelphia and beyond through the arts. BuildaBridge International announces the Fifth Annual Institute for Arts and Transformation, (formerly the Institute for the Church and Community Arts.) The Institute will be held on May 31-June 4, 2006 at the Mother Boniface Spirituality Retreat Center in Philadelphia, PA. This year’s featured faculty is William Swetcharnik, artist, writer and educator who integrates art in community development and violence reduction in Latin Amerca. The Institute for the Arts and Transformation is an intensive four-day training institute for artists of all disciplines, community leaders, youth workers, ministers, and teachers who want to integrate music, dance, drama, visual arts and dance effectively in community-based service. The Institute will offer short courses in arts-integrated education and healing for vulnerable populations, after-school programming, character development, community building, and life skills education. Open arts studio, collaborative art creation, and networking with professionals are special features. IAT harnesses the power of the arts for community outreach and transformation. Act-48, undergraduate and graduate credit avaliable through Eastern University. Contact Dr. J. Nathan Corbitt for more information: Email: [email protected]. Call: 610-656-3499. Visit the web at
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