Innovative Public Schools and Diverse Leaders – Sep 13
Posted by NewSchools Venture Fund on August 13, 2019
NewSchools Announces $8 Million in Funding for Pre-K-12 Education Innovators, Entrepreneurs
The NewSchools Venture Fund in Oakland, California, supports innovators who are reimagining learning to make sure every young person in America finishes high school prepared and inspired to create and live a good life full of opportunity, choices, connection, and meaning. To achieve this aspiration, students need a strong academic foundation and other important mindsets, habits, and skills.
To that end, the fund has announced up to $8 million in funding through two of its investment areas: Innovative Public Schools and Diverse Leaders.
Diverse Leaders — The goal of this strategy is to see black and Latino leaders comprise at least 40 percent of pre-K-12 education leadership, mirroring the racial and ethnic composition of the U.S. student population. NewSchools provides funding and management assistance to organizations working to advance black and Latino leadership in education by recruiting new black and Latino leaders into education; accelerating the careers of black and Latino leaders already working in education; creating networks of black and Latino education leaders; building the capacity of education organizations to become more diverse, equitable; and inclusive; and influencing the field to be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive in areas such as research, design, policy, and/or advocacy.
Funding in the range of $100,000 – $200,000 will be awarded, with applications due by September 13. Ventures will be announced in December 2019.
Innovative Public Schools — The fund invests in innovative public schools — both district and charter — that embrace an expanded definition of student success, which NewSchools defines as a strong academic foundation combined with important mindsets, habits, and skills needed for success in life. Innovative public schools are using new approaches to reimagine learning so that schools are more tailored to students’ individual needs, skill levels, and interests.
This funding opportunity will focus only on new schools planning to launch in fall 2021. Using a rigorous due diligence process, the fund will select the most promising teams of educators and support them through the planning and early implementation phases. Funding of $200,000 includes participation in a cohort experience to help teams refine their designs and prepare for launch in twelve months. Applications are due by November 11, with ventures to be announced in March 2020.
In addition to funding, the selected ventures will also receive management assistance and opportunities to collaborate within a cohort of other organizations selected for funding.
For more information, see the NewSchools Venture Fund website.
Deadline: September 13, 2019
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