Inequality Matters Conference
Posted by on April 23, 2004
INEQUALITY MATTERS — THE GROWING CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH, INCOME, POWER AND OPPORTUNITY IN AMERICA – Why it’s happening, how it’s affecting us, what we can begin to do about it.
We want to invite you — and alert you — to our June 3-5 conference in New York City. We call it a “conference,” because it’s hard to think of a better word. But nobody involved — the AFL-CIO, ACORN, the Campaign for America’s Future, Common Cause, the National Council of Churches, the Living Wage Project, the National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice, the National Partnership for Women & Families, and United for a Fair Economy, to name a few of the cosponsors – has any patience with idle conversation these days. What has brought us together is a shared sense of outrage, based on a growing awareness of the ways in which economic inequality has become a barrier to progress in one critical area of policy after another. The conference is designed to supply the knowledge and tools for a campaign of popular education and political action. Our aim is to push this long-neglected problem, with its insidious implications for health, education, justice, community, and democracy, onto the front burner of American politics and public discourse – within the time frame of the 2004 election campaign and beyond.
With room for only 250 and a roster of speakers who include Barbara Ehrenreich, Bill Moyers, Robert Frank, Stan Greenberg, William Greider, David Cay Johnston, Judith Lichtman, Meizhu Lui, Kevin Phillips, John Podesta, Makani Themba-Nixon, Mark Ritchie and David R. Williams, filling the hall won’t be difficult.
The problem is filling it with people who have the eagerness and know-how to go forth and raise a constructive ruckus. That’s why we are reaching out to organizers and activists in this one-to-one fashion. It’s why we hope that, from all the invitations crowding your in-box, you will seize on this one to examine closely, and decide to attend (if that’s your decision) now, before we begin to publicize the conference more widely.
The advance-registration fee (which includes a Friday-night dinner) is $45. To register, go to or call 212-622-1405. For more information, see, call 212-633-1405, or send an email to [email protected].
And please pass the word — and this email — to others who, in your opinion, could play a valuable on-the-ground role in moving our country toward a more humane and egalitarian future. Many thanks.
Betsy Leondar-Wright, Communications Director, United for a Fair Economy, (617) 423-2148 x13, [email protected], 37 Temple Place, 2nd floor Boston, MA 02111
United for a Fair Economy is a national organization that raises awareness of the damaging consequences of concentrated wealth and power. Join us! Click here to donate securely online:
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