Impact fund for social justice litigation – Oct 11

Posted by Impact Fund on September 13, 2022

Impact Fund invites applications to advance social justice

The Impact Fund provides grants to advance social justice in the United States.

To that end, grants of up to $50,000 will be awarded to nonprofit legal service providers, private attorneys, and/or small law firms seeking to advance justice in civil rights, human rights, anti-poverty, and environmental justice cases that impact marginalized groups. Most grants are for class actions, but the fund also supports multi-plaintiff and environmental justice cases that aim to significantly affect a larger system or lead to significant law reform.

Impact Fund grants may be used for out-of-pocket litigation expenses such as expert fees and discovery costs but may not be used for attorney’s fees, staff, or other overhead.

Letters of interest must be received no later than October 11, 2022, and selected applicants will be invited to submit a full application due November 8, 2022.

For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the Impact Fund website.

Deadline: October 11, 2022 (Letters of interest)

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