Immigration and Migration: Ethnography in Education in Dynamic Times
Posted by on January 30, 2011
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Immigration the Focus of 32nd Ethnography Forum
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With globalization has come an unprecedented migration of people, goods, ideas, and languages – with serious implications for education.
At this year’s Ethnography in Education Research Forum, held at Penn GSE on February 25-26, participants will have the chance to reflect on “Immigration and Migration: Ethnography in Education in Dynamic Times.”
Ethnographic and qualitative research provides keen analytical tools to understand complex educational realities and lends itself to telling the stories of those who often go unheard. The Ethnography Forum will explore many of the questions raised for educators by globalization:
* How is the growth of Diaspora communities transforming the face of learning, teaching, and research?
* How are educators building on the cultural and language resources their students bring to the classroom?
* How do we navigate the obstacles of teaching, learning, and researching with those who differ from us?
Featured speakers at the event, which is the largest annual meeting of qualitative researchers in education, are:
* Jan Blommaert, a professor at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, studies the ways that languages are granted unequal status in multicultural settings
* Gerald Campano, a Penn GSE professor, focuses his work on the ways students mobilize their identities and rich cultural resources in the elementary literacy curriculum.
* Norma González, a University of Arizona language, reading and culture professor, looks at how the language they use and identity among children and families living in borderland communities.
* Stacey J. Lee the role that education plays in shaping the identities of immigrant students, particularly Asian Americans. An educational anthropologist who received her doctorate from Penn GSE, Lee recently joined the faculty at the Graduate Center at the City University of New York.
The Ethnography Forum, now in its 32nd year, is convened by Penn GSE Professor Nancy Hornberger. Sarah Lipinoga and Ming-Hsuan Wu, both Penn GSE doctoral students, are the Forum coordinators.
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