Imagine Signature Grant for community-based learning and youth homelessness – Mar 29
Posted by Imagine Learning Foundation on February 27, 2024
Imagine Learning Foundation invites applications for Imagine Signature Grant program
Imagine Learning Foundation (ILF), the philanthropic initiative created by Imagine Learning, the largest provider of digital curriculum solutions in the United States, invites applications for its Imagine Signature Grant program, which aims to support the well-being of learners outside of the classroom, either at home or in their communities.
Founded in 2022, ILF is entering the third year of its $5 million grant campaign, and this year, will place a special emphasis on sponsoring initiatives aimed at addressing both chronic absenteeism and the student homelessness crisis that are affecting students nationwide. According to the foundation, chronic absenteeism, particularly for children experiencing homelessness, has severe consequences for learning, emotional well-being, stability, and future outcomes through a student’s life. According to the National Center for Homeless Education’s December 2023 report, over 1.2 million students identified as experiencing homelessness and approximately 52 percent were chronically absent during the 2021-22 school year.
In 2024, the program will award grants to eligible applicants dedicated to any of these funding priorities:
2024 Funding Priority: Supporting eligible organizations who are addressing vital issues concerning student housing insecurity and their basic needs along with the associated chronic absenteeism by students from their daily K-12 learning environments.
Other Mission-Aligned Programs: Supporting programs, activities or services fostering learning well-being of youth, families, and educators outside of the classroom and into their home and community environments.
Education and Community Research: Studying the current impact that social, physical, mental and emotional well-being has on accelerating student achievement across diverse communities, including students and youth experiencing homelessness and chronic absenteeism from their K-12 learning environments.
The program anticipates awarding $400,000 or more in total grant awards to new and/or existing grantees with estimated grant awards, per grantee, in the range of $50,000 to $100,000. Funding for programs that have national or regional impact and serve over 300 youth, students and/or families will be prioritized, and priority will be given to organizations and programs focused on high-need communities.
To be eligible, applicants must be tax-exempt as defined by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the Imagine Learning Foundation website.
Deadline: March 29, 2024
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