Campus Organizer
Posted by on April 30, 2004 Campus Organizer
Action Without (AWB) is a nonprofit organization that connects people, organizations and resources to help build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives. Based in New York City, with offices in Philadelphia, PA, Hood River & Portland, OR, Charlottesville, VA, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, AWB is independent of any government, political ideology or religious creed. Our work is guided by the common desire of our members and supporters to find practical solutions to social problems, in a spirit of generosity and mutual respect.
AWB has been developing an ever stronger presence on college and university campuses across the country, with a specific focus on making nonprofit and socially responsible careers more visible to college students and recent graduates. Over the past year, we completed a merger with COOL (Campus Outreach Opportunity League), a Boston-based organization that since 1984 has aimed to catalyze and support the involvement of students and campuses in community service and activism.
This merger is leading to the creation of a powerful program that can deliver the networks, content, and resources needed to support the work of student activists and leaders, and prepare them for a lifelong commitment to public service. Our new Idealist on Campus program will operate online and offline to provide a range of resources to support and connect schools, students, campus administrators, and the local community. Campus-based Idealist Alliances, designed to facilitate more and better connections both on and off campus, will give members of the campus community an opportunity to work directly with us on this effort.
Job Description:
The Campus Organizer will join the Idealist on Campus (IOC) program of Action Without Borders, which takes our broad mission – to connect people, organizations, and resources to build a better world ? to the campus level. The Campus Organizer will work most closely with two other Campus Organizers, the Director of Campus Programs, as well as interns and volunteers, to continue the development of IOC.
The online home of the program – <a href=""></a> ? is in development and should be launched by fall 2004. will include curriculum modules, news items and featured schools. The site will allow service and activist campus groups to share their work and find one another. It will also support the creation of Idealist Alliances, new campus-based coalitions of students, campus staff, faculty and community members that support and promote service, activism, and socially responsible work.
The Campus Organizer will be responsible for developing resources to support Idealist Alliances and similar networks that already exist on campuses across the country. Through email, telephone, and in-person outreach, the Campus Organizer will work closely with students and other campus staff and administrators to build this broad network.
The Campus Organizer will be heavily involved in planning the 2005 COOL Idealist Conference at University of California-Berkeley (March, 2005). More information about this year?s conference (March 12-14 at University of Pennsylvania) can be found at:
<a href=""></a>
The Campus Organizer will work out of the AWB Philadelphia Office.
For job description, qualifications, compensation, and to apply: visit <a href=""></a>
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