Idealist on Campus Institute on Nonprofit Careers
Posted by on March 17, 2006
*Just a reminder: There are a few spaces still available for the Idealist On Campus Institute coming up on Friday, March 31.
Register online now to save your spot!!*
For the past several years, the staff of Idealist On Campus (a program of Action Without Borders/ has traveled to campuses across the country, delivering a series of workshops about nonprofit and other socially responsible careers. Idealist On Campus is committed to reaching a broad and diverse range of college students and campus staff across the country; our newest initiative is an effort to make our trainings and resources available to a wider audience and to build greater capacity among campus community members to share this information with others.
On March 31, Haverford College is hosting an Idealist On Campus Institute, a one-day ?train-the-trainer? program that convenes college students and campus staff statewide. This training model teaches valuable information to participants, and also equips attendees to return to their home campuses and lead workshops on their own. This spring?s ?Idealist On Campus Institute: Pathways Into Nonprofit Careers? will focus on ways that students can pursue nonprofit and other socially responsible career opportunities, and will include both informational and train-the-trainer components. While attendees are taught essential information about pathways into careers serving the common good, emphasis will also be placed on attendees taking this information back to their own communities to make it more available and more accessible to a wider audience.
The agenda for the Institute is as follows:
Friday, March 31, 2006
9:30am Registration
10:00am Opening, Welcome, ?What is the Non-Profit Sector??
11:30am Break, Lunch (on your own)
12:15pm ?Reality Check: Top Ten Myths about the Non-Profit Sector?
1:30pm Break
1:45pm ?Young Non-Profit Professionals? Panel Discussion
2:30 pm ?Getting in the Door?
3:30pm Break
3:45pm ?Coalition-Building 201?
5:00pm Next Steps and Closing
5:30pm Institute Ends
5:30-6:15pm Optional Focus Groups for Staff and Students
Please feel free to forward, print, and/or post the attached flyer on your campus. Consider adding this event to your calendar, as it is a great opportunity to equip yourself to have in-depth conversations with students and others about working in the nonprofit sector. We have sent you this email in an effort to pull together a few staff members on each campus who can make this opportunity known to the most promising and invested members of your campus community. We hope you will work with the other staff members to whom this message is addressed, and pass this opportunity along to others in your campus community (students, staff, and/or faculty) ? or pre-register yourself!!
In order to attend this Institute, you must pre-register. Space is very limited, so pre-registration is essential in order to be admitted to this event. The $30 registration fee will cover all program costs and training materials for the event, and will be collected at the door during the Institute. The $30 registration fee allows participants to attend any or all of the workshops taking place during the event. Lunch will be ?on your own? and there is a campus grille in the building in which the Institute will be held. To pre-register, please visit the Idealist On Campus Institute web page at This event is being co-sponsored by Haverford College, Bryn Mawr College, and Pennsylvania Campus Compact.
Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions. Save the date on your calendar, pre-register online at, and we look forward to seeing you at Haverford!
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