How Does Participating in National Service Impact Employment and Professional Development?
Posted by Corporation for National and Community Service on March 12, 2018
How Does Participating in National Service Impact Employment and Professional Development?
RSVP for the March Research and Evidence Webinar
The Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) invites you to join our new Research and Evidence webinar series. This webinar series is one of many ways ORE is sharing current research on civic engagement, volunteering, and national service.
This month, we are pleased to welcome:
Introductory Remarks: Peter Levine, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Research and Lincoln Filene, Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University
Presentation 1: The Impact of National Service on Employment Outcomes
- Peter Levine
- Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Ph.D., CIRCLE, Tufts University
- Jodi Benenson, Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Noorya Hayat, CIRCLE, Tufts University
Presentation 2: AmeriCorps: Transformation through Service
- David Schlinkert, Morrison Institute, Arizona State University
Closing Remarks: Chester W. Spellman, Director of AmeriCorps State and National, CNCS
Date and Time
This webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 21, from 2 – 3 PM ET.
Please RSVP to attend.
If you have any questions, contact the CNCS Office of Research and Evaluation at [email protected].
Study Abstracts
Presentation 1: The Impact of National Service on Employment Outcomes
Presenters: Peter Levine, Ph.D., Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Ph.D., and Noorya Hayat, CIRCLE, Tufts University; Jodi Benenson, Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Omaha
Our research team conducted a field experiment to test the effects of listing national service (AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps VISTA) on a job candidate’s application materials. We created 16 different types of resumes and cover letters with fictitious applicants and varied service experiences. In Phase I (summer 2016), we applied for 1,120 jobs in the nonprofit and public sectors and in Phase II (summer 2017), we applied for 870 jobs with a total of 1,990 jobs applied for in two years. We also supplemented this study with a survey experiment and interviews with hiring managers. This presentation will highlight findings from these studies and provide policy recommendations.
Presentation 2: AmeriCorps: Transformation through Service
Presenter: David Schlinkert, Morrison Institute, Arizona State University
Arizona State University’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy conducted an AmeriCorps employment outcomes study for Arizona in 2016. Morrison Institute expanded this study in 2017 to five other states to gain a better understanding of the AmeriCorps experience outside of Arizona. In the second year of this study, both alumni and supervisors found that the AmeriCorps program is a transformative experience with numerous benefits to the service member, host organizations, and their communities. Overwhelmingly, organizations stated that they would not be able to provide services to their respective communities without the help of their AmeriCorps service members, who continuously help them build organizational capacity. Furthermore, the AmeriCorps program has tremendous benefits for its service members, who garner valuable personal and professional networks, and skills that help them find work upon completion of their service term. Alumni also said that the AmeriCorps experience is personally transformative and provides them with an opportunity to see other ways of life, and potential career trajectories. Overall, AmeriCorps programming creates an employment pipeline and encourages alumni to further their education, which has innumerable benefits for service members, organizations, and communities.
Office of Research and Evaluation
The Corporation for National and Community Service sponsors and supports scholarly research. Findings are used to identify effective strategies for national service, increase the evidence-base for its programs, and strengthen civic infrastructure and civic engagement in America. ORE builds, shares, and uses knowledge in multiple ways. Our CNCS webpages include ongoing and completed studies and evaluation resources. To find out more about research and evaluation at CNCS, check out our webpage.
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