Housing and Transportation Working Groups
Posted by on March 17, 2006
The Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition invites you to join us April 4th for an important policy discussion on strategies to promote greater economic opportunity for working families.
Over the past several months GPUAC has explored the impact of regional growth and development patterns on working families. Specifically, we have been working to identify policy and program interventions to address the problem of geographic isolation of low-wage working families from economic opportunity. We are particularly interested in advancing transportation and housing strategies that better connect workers to jobs, such as reverse commute programs, low-income car ownership programs, employer-assisted housing and others.
Together with out partner PolicyLink, we invite you to consider joining one of two Working Groups on Transportation or Housing to provide needed guidance to policy development processes on these particular issues. We are looking for energetic thinkers who can commit to helping us refine our policy agenda, oversee the implementation process, and work in partnership with us to advance policy solutions.
To get involved, please RSVP via e-mail to Tamara Grossett at [email protected] and indicate whether you will be joining the Transportation or the Housing Working Group. Please include your full contact information in the email.
Meeting Details – Working Group Kick-Off Meetings
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Transportation: 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Housing Group: 2:00-4:00 pm
Refreshments will be served. Meeting location to follow.
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