Hot Topic: After-School and Out-of-School Time
Posted by on January 14, 2005
[posted from K-12 National Service-Learning listserv]
New Resource from the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
After-School and Out-of-School Time
Hot Topics highlight recommended resource items, both online and in the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse library, on important service-learning related subjects. Out-of-school time describes the hours when youth are not in school (after-school, during school breaks like summer vacation, etc.). This is the time when children are most likely to be unsupervised. The odds are high that children or youth with nothing positive to do and nowhere to go will find things to do that may negatively influence their development and futures. Out-of-school time service-learning projects can provide opportunities for children to be
engaged in supervised learning activities during these non-school hours.
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