Host an AmeriCorps*NCCC team
Posted by on October 07, 2013
AmeriCorps NCCC Atlantic Region
AmeriCorps NCCC offers help to Get Things Done!
AmeriCorps NCCC is now accepting service project proposals for 2014. Now is your chance to take advantage of an affordable way for your community to get short-term projects completed. What would it be like if your organization suddenly had the resources of 8-10 enthusiastic, hard-working, and professional young adults serving full-time for up to eight weeks? Think of the impact! Whether it’s blazing trails, installing rain gardens, building homes, or supporting disaster recovery efforts, the NCCC is the program to help you achieve your goals!
What is AmeriCorps NCCC?
AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) is a full-time, team-based service program for men and women aged 18–24. The mission of AmeriCorps NCCC is to strengthen communities and develop leaders through direct, team-based national and community service. In partnership with nonprofit organizations, state and local agencies, schools, state and national parks, Indian Tribes, and faith-based and other community organizations, members complete a variety of service projects. These young adults help communities prepare and respond to disasters, improve infrastructure such as low-income housing and public parks, restore streams or wildlife habitats to help protect the environment, conserve energy through weatherization projects or recycling programs, and contribute to urban and rural development by supporting services to seniors, youth, or homeless individuals.
What can AmeriCorps NCCC do for your organization?
- Help accomplish project goals and objectives that you define as critical for your organization and community
- Arrive with their own transportation ready to work with a team leader who will supervise their activities
- Get the work done the way you want it!
What is expected of your organization?
There is no direct charge or match for a team’s services. Project sponsors must provide:
Lodging – including access to a full kitchen, bathroom facilities, sleeping areas, and parking. Lodging options might include: volunteer centers, churches, youth hostels, recreation centers, vacant apartments, college dorms, summer camps, etc.
Orientation to your organization and community
Support for service learning activities that help the team understand social issues related to the project
Project materials and special tools/equipment
Project supervisor or liaison to support the team
How to get started?
AmeriCorps NCCC Atlantic Region (states served: CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, DC, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands) invites prospective Project Sponsors to apply for an NCCC team in the 2014 program year, beginning March 2014. Deployment of teams is organized by rounds (4 to 8 weeks).
There is a simple two-step process to apply for a team:1) a Project Concept Form and 2) a Project Application. Upon successful review of the Concept Form, you will receive an invitation to submit a Project Application. An Assistant Program Director, members of the NCCC program staff are available to provide technical assistance with developing your project idea, developing a work plan, and preparing the application.
As our process is becoming more and more competitive, it is strongly recommended that the concept form be submitted by January 3rd for projects to occur at any time in 2014.
An early submission maximizes the amount of time individuals have to work on the application and to connect with partners to ensure the proposed housing meets NCCC standards. Assistant Program Directors are glad to provide technical assistance to help strengthen the application and ensure the valuable service experience for members.
ALL applicants should be prepared to provide housing in 2014.
In solidarity,
Denise Jenkins, Deputy Region Director for Programming
410-642-2411 x6852
[email protected]
Amanda McCarty, Assistant Program Director
410-642-2411 x6329
[email protected]
Thea E. Becton, Assistant Program Director
410-642-2411 x6869
[email protected]
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