Homelessness Grants
Posted by on December 12, 2003
[posted from PhillyNeighborhoods listserv]
Philadelphia Youth Philanthropy Group Invites Applicants for Homelessness Grants
Deadline: January 30, 2004
The students of Stern Hebrew High School have beckoned to the call of Maimonides, who says "There is an obligation to give support to your brother, your poor and the impoverished of your land." Our Modern Orthodox school wishes to fulfill our obligation to the community as a whole. This philanthropic experience, we feel, will broaden our horizons and will prepare us to continue such activities as adults.
Organizations that qualify for consideration under this RFP (Request for Proposals) under the homeless services track include Philadelphia-area organizations that provide
* meals
* emergency shelter
* outreach
* and/or supportive services
to the city’s homeless population. We are interested in funding non-administrative projects that directly impact clients with grants up to $750.
We ask that you submit a 1-2 page narrative along with a simple budget and relevant collateral materials. Submissions should be sent to
Maimonides Money Pot
c/o Stern Hebrew High School
1630 Hoffnagle St
Philadelphia, PA 19152
Decisions will be made by the end of February 2004.
RFP Link: <a href="http://maimonidesmp.netfirms.com">http://maimonidesmp.netfirms.com</a>
Questions? Please contact us at [email protected]
More in "Grant Opportunities"
- PCCE Civic Imagination Grants
- GivePulse National Volunteer Week Grants – Apr 8
- Arts and Culture Grant & Info Session, William Penn Foundation – Mar 19
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