HealthSTAT Context Journal Call for Submissions
Posted by on December 16, 2005
[posted from Higher Ed Service-Learning list]
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is a proud organizational partner of this new journal. Editor-in-Chief Carmen Patrick is a member of the CCPH board of directors. Please share the details and call for papers below with your students and encourage them to get involved as authors and readers!
Health Students Taking Action Together has announced the launch of Context, the only peer-reviewed electronic journal for health professional students engaged in their communities. The journal will connect students across the United States and Canada working to improve the health of our communities. In addition, the journal will recognize insightful, well-designed evaluations of student initiated programs from a variety of perspectives. Context will be published by HealthSTAT in partnership with the Student Health Alliance. The online journal is accepting submissions and will accept rolling applications for editors and peer reviewers. Context will begin publication April 2006.
The first issue of Context ( will include original articles about program evaluation, policy research, patient empowerment and community-based research and partnerships. Contributors will include graduate-level students of any discipline who are enrolled in universities and colleges across the United States and Canada.
“Context provides a forum for presentation and consideration of health science student community activities and best practices. Context will make the latest research accessible to health professional students and others who can put it to work and improve Americans’ health,” comments HealthSTAT Advisor, Dr. Jeffrey Koplan, MD MPH Vice President for Academic Health Affairs, Emory University and former CDC Director.
Graduate-level students may submit manuscripts online at Manuscripts will be accepted on a rolling basis; however, only those received by January 31, 2006 are guaranteed consideration for publication in the inaugural edition of Context Journal.
A rigorous peer review process will help ensure that articles meet high standards in terms of theoretical and methodological rigor. As an open access journal, Context will offer the health professional community the opportunity to make research results freely available immediately on publication, and permanently available in public archives. Subscribers to Context will benefit from the e-journal’s multimedia capabilities and all articles and transcripts will be available for download. The journal will be published bi-annually. To submit a manuscript or to sign up for a free subscription, visit
Context will connect students across the United States and Canada. This e-journal provides a unique opportunity for students to share results and ideas with health professionals to improve the health of our communities,” said Carmen Patrick, Emory University medical student, Founding Editor-in-Chief of Context and Community-Campus Partnerships for Health board member.
The inaugural Editorial Board of Context Journal includes six health professional students representing four disciplines and six institutions: Carmen Patrick, Editor-in-Chief, Emory University School of Medicine; Hugo Javier Aparicio, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Euna M. August, MPH, University of South Florida (USF), PhD candidate, Department of Community & Family Health; John R. Casey, Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine; Cheryl Hunchak, M.D. Harvard School of Public Health, MPH candidate Department of International Health; Pamela Valera, MSW, University of South Carolina, PhD candidate College of Social Work.
Funding for Context has been provided by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Marcus Foundation, The Arnold P. Gold Foundation, The Young Family Foundation, Emory University, the National Nurses Association and numerous individual donors.
HealthSTAT ( is a Georgia based, inter-professional, student-led, non-profit organization founded in 2001 to increase civic engagement among health professional students and develop emerging health leaders.
The Student Health Alliance ( is a multidisciplinary coalition of students dedicated to improving the health of our communities and the effectiveness of our health system by fostering and promoting collaborative work focusing on prevention and achieving our Nation’s health objectives.
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