Health Disparities Research Program
Posted by on August 18, 2008
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Invites Proposals for Health Disparities Research Program
Deadline: September 18, 2008 (Brief Proposals)
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s ( Finding Answers: Disparities Research for Change program seeks to improve the quality of health care provided to patients from racial and ethnic backgrounds likely to experience disparities.
The Finding Answers program will grant funds to discover and evaluate practical and replicable solutions designed to reduce and eliminate disease-specific racial and ethnic health care disparities; focus on interventions aimed at healthcare delivery for cardiovascular disease, depression, and/or diabetes; conduct systematic reviews of the literature regarding racial and ethnic healthcare disparities interventions; and disseminate results from these research efforts and systematic reviews to encourage healthcare systems to address racial and ethnic gaps in care. Applicants may define a specific population group or subgroups to be targeted.
Only organizations that administer and directly provide an intervention to the target population are eligible to apply. All interventions proposed for evaluation must occur within the direct context of a consistent source of health care or delivery.
The following types of organizations are eligible as primary/lead applicants: provider organizations (e.g., medical groups, hospitals, community health centers); health plans and employers; and other organizations directly involved in healthcare provision or administration (e.g., a network or consortium of provider groups). Applicants must be located in the United States. Preference will be given to applicants that are public agencies or 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
Approximately six to eight grants totaling roughly $1.7 million will be awarded in this round of funding. Grant awards will range between $100,000 and $275,000 each for projects of twenty-four months or less, including start-up, data collection, and analyses.
RFP Link:
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