Happy Census Day!

Posted by HE-SVE Forum on April 7, 2020

April 1st, Census Day, is an important point of reference for the Census. It’s the date we use to take a snapshot of the country – a snapshot that has huge implications for our democracy for 10 years to come. As a foundational part of our democracy, it’s incredibly important that we have an accurate and complete count. Obviously the onset of COVID-19 has impacted many campuses’ Get Out The Count efforts.

Although the day has passed, The Higher Education-Student Voter Engagement (HE-SVE) Forum has identified a number of Census related resources:

A Census Day Activations List
The amazing folks at The Leadership Conference’s Census Counts team pulled together a website that lists all the Census Day happenings, nationally and state by state. Even though these events have taken place, there are many good resources available here.

The team from the Census Open Innovation Labs (COIL), who were on our February call, are excited to share that their partners at U.Group and Rock The Vote have officially launched creativesforthecount.org, a repository site for content created at COIL events and beyond. This helps organizations who need content to search for relevant content so they can do better outreach to hard-to-count communities. You can peruse some of the materials, download and share, or upload your own here.

Participate in a #CensusChallenge
A few organizations are hosting different #CensusChallenge(s): Campus Vote ProjectCount The Nation, and Census Counts. Use today to highlight one, two, or all of them on your social media! If not today, participate in the coming weeks!
Shareable Videos 
The Census Bureau uploaded a video that explains how students can complete the Census. They also posted this video that connects the impacts of COVID-19 with completing the Census. Celebs like Cardi B and John Legend have also shared videos on Twitter plugging the Census.
Finalize Your Census Plan
Don’t have a Census Plan for your campus yet or haven’t had a chance to make yours digital yet? It’s not too late to come up with one! Check out this resource from State Voices & Census Counts on Census/COVID-19 guidance or reach out to ([email protected]) for help to support your efforts.

Stay Connected with the SLSV (Students Learn Students Vote) Census Working Group. You can do that by:


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