Guide to Developing Local Educational Assessments
Posted by on July 25, 2003
[Public Education Network Newsblast]
The Maine Department of Education (DOE) is working to support school systems in the development of their local assessment systems to more realistically and deeply measure student achievement. Maine’s DOE believes there is a need for assessment information at both state and local level to measure progress and ensure accountability regarding the system of learning results, which must be accomplished through a comprehensive system of local and state assessment, involving multiple measures to determine what each student knows and is able to demonstrate regarding the standards of the system of learning results. “Maine is one of two states seriously attempting to construct a state assessment system that does not rely pretty much entirely on standardized tests and which allows substantial local/district flexibility within the assessment framework. Hard task, but necessary work to be done, ” said Monty Neill, executive director of FairTest. Download the local assessement guide at:
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