Green2015 Action Plan Released
Posted by on January 02, 2011
Green2015 Action Plan Released
Greenworks Philadelphia sets a goal of increasing equitable access to open space by adding 500 acres of publicly accessible green space by 2015. On December 7, the Parks & Recreation Department announced the release of Green2015, an action plan prepared by PennPraxis that outlines how the City can reach this goal. Green2015 pledges that the City will partner with communities, local institutions, foundations, and the private sector to assemble acreage that connects people to parks in underserved neighborhoods throughout the City.
After announcing the plan at the Hank Gathers Recreation Center in North Philadelphia, one of the first sites the City will green according to priorities laid out in Green2015, Mayor Nutter, Parks & Rec, and PennPraxis presented the plan to a packed house during a formal presentation held at the Academy of Natural Sciences.
“Our goal is to focus on parks and green space as a long-term investment in Philadelphia’s future,” said Parks & Recreation Commissioner Michael DiBerardinis. “Green2015 charts a course for action that will make our city more equitable, livable, and competitive by taking affordable steps to transform existing land into publicly accessible green space.”
Green2015 provides a variety of short-term goals that can be achieved without major new sources of public funds: greening areas such as paved recreation centers already budgeted for improvements, publicly-owned vacant lands, or paved public schoolyards.
For more information and to give feedback on the plan, visit
To watch videos of the event at the Academy of Natural Sciences, visit the GreenworksPhila Vimeo page at
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