Grants from the Great American Bake Sale
Posted by on March 31, 2006
[posted from RFP Bulletin]
Great American Bake Sale Seeks Proposals to Increase Participation in USDA Afterschool and Summer Nutrition Programs
Deadline: April 15, 2006
Presented by Share Our Strength (<a href=""></a>) and Parade Magazine, the Great American Bake Sale (<a href=""></a>) encourages all Americans to take a powerful stand against childhood hunger by hosting bake sales in their communities. Proceeds are submitted to Share Our Strength and distributed to the nation’s most effective childhood hunger organizations annually.
Share Our Strength will be accepting grant applications from current sponsors of summer and afterschool meal programs for children that utilize USDA reimbursement and advocacy organizations that provide technical assistance to these programs.
Grants from the Great American Bake Sale will support efforts to increase participation among low-income children in Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs that utilize USDA reimbursement through the Summer Food Service Program, the National School Lunch Program, or the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
To be eligible for grants from the Great American Bake Sale, organizations must be 1) current program sponsors that prepare claims for USDA reimbursement, oversee food service management, provide training and technical
assistance to site staff, and monitor sites’ compliance with program rules; or 2) advocacy organizations that help improve and increase participation in USDA after-school and summer meal programs. Advocacy organizations work with schools, community organizations, local businesses, and a range of government officials to increase participation in summer and afterschool meal programs that use USDA reimbursement.
For more information about the program and to access the application form, visit the great American Bake Sale Web site.
RFP Link:
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