Grant Workshop” Show Me The Money

Posted by on March 3, 2006

Grant Workshop
?Show Me The Money?
Lewisburg, PA ? May 8-12, 2006

Early registration (before april 14th) = $550 ($585 after)

This phenomenal one-week workshop will be held at the Union County government center in Historic Lewisburg. The workshops will run from 8:30 to 4:30 daily.

This grant identification and writing course provides the participant with the fundamental skills needed to research and identify funding sources and prepare your organization for the grant process. Participants will also learn to develop, write, and submit grant proposals. Some of the topics covered are: – Elements of success
– Preparing for Grant Writing
– Grant terminology
– Elements of a good proposal
– Budgeting
– All the key components needed in the grant
– Responding to a turn down
– Getting your organization on board

Penn State University Continuing Education Units (CEU?s) available.

HURRY ? Space is limited. Registration will be prioritized by date payment is received.

For further information please contact:
Community Partnerships RC&D
23 North Main St.
Lewistown, PA 17044
717.248.4901 phone
717.248.4902 fax
[email protected]

For your convenience, the Best Western Country Cupboard in Lewisburg is holding a block of rooms at a great rate of $86 + tax. Please call early to get a reservation. Call (570).524.5500 and ask for a room under ?Community Partnerships room block? to get the special rate. Dining is available on the premises and breakfast is included in the room rate.

Target Audiences:
Municipalities and other Units of Government
Nonprofit Organizations
Law Enforcement
Public Safety Organizations (EMS, Fire Departments, etc.)
Anyone in need of grant resources

Recent Quotes from workshop participants:

“Because of your grant writing training, I applied and was awarded 20 out of 22 grants for a total of $412,000 in 2004. Thank you!” Detective, Indiana State Police

“She turned a very dry topic into a fun learning experience.” Non-profit Executive Director, Philadelphia, Pa

“Denise is one of the best instructors I have ever had.” Law Enforcement Officer, Chicago PD

“This is one of the best training events I have ever been to!” Public Health Educator, Detroit, MI

Denise S. Schlegel is a national trainer, consultant, facilitator and grant writer with more than 25 years of experience in non-profit management and development, grant writing and community capacity building. She is the author of “Grant Writing-Show me the Money”? grant writing training curriculum.

Community Partnerships RC&D
?show me the money? Grant Workshop
Mail to: Community Partnerships RC&D, Grant Proposal Workshops, 23 North Main st., Lewistown, PA 17044

Fees include training manual, resource materials, morning and afternoon beverages and refreshments.

Workshop (3.3 CEU?s)
Fee: $550 ($585 after April 14th)

Penn State Continuing Education Units (CEU?s)
Fee: $29 total for all CEU?s

TOTAL Enclosed (Check payable to Community Partnerships RC&D)

Preferred Nickname
Fax Email Address

Community Partnerships RC&D Council prohibits discrimination in all programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status.

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