Graduation Coach Anchor Agencies

Posted by on August 01, 2011

Agencies sought for Grad Coach campaign

The Mayor’s Offices of Education and Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service are requesting qualifications from community-based organizations that are interested in becoming Graduation Coach Anchor Agencies from September 2011 through August 2012.

The Graduation Coach Campaign aims to provide adults the resources and tools they need to help young people succeed in high school and in their postsecondary pursuits.

A $4,000 honorarium and staffing support to cover basic supplies and manage logistics will be available to selected anchor agencies.  The chosen anchor agencies will host bi-monthly trainings and serve as hubs of resources within communities.

To apply to become an anchor agency for the Graduation Coach Campaign, complete the Request for Qualifications and email it to [email protected] by Friday, August 5th at 5pm.

More in "Grant Opportunities"

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