Graduate Level Course Offerings through Project Peace
Posted by on February 13, 2013
Register for 3 credit graduate classes taught by attorney/educator David Trevaskis.
Classes run Thursday and Friday nights and Saturday during the day over two weekends
These four courses below (Crisis, Mediation, Poverty and Bullying) all support Project PEACE (Peaceful Endings through Authorities, Children and Educators), the conflict resolution, peer mediation, anti-bullying and youth court education program that is jointly sponsored by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General and Pennsylvania Bar Association.
Crisis in our Schools: An Educator’s Handbook for Safe Schools
This course provides educators with practical skills and ideas they will find personally and professionally helpful in preparing and developing strategies and materials for dealing with various crisis that may arise in the school community. Utilizing a case method approach, this course will challenge participants to examine their attitudes and expand their knowledge of a range of crises that impact students and schools today. Specific concerns from bullying prevention to managing the aggressive child will be addressed. All class participants will learn art therapy, explore the role of student assistant programs, and experience a mock expulsion hearing.
Mar 7, 8 ,9 & 14 , 15 , 16
Courtyard by Marriott Plymouth Meeting
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Developing and Implementing Student Mediation Programs
This course introduces the process of and skills necessary for peer mediation within a classroom setting and encourages teachers and administrators to explore mediation and conflict resolution with the goal of introducing such programs into their schools. Where programs already exist, strategies to make them more successful will be shared.
Apr 18, 19 ,20 & 25 , 26 , 27
Courtyard by Marriott Montgomeryville
North Wales, PA 19454
Poverty and the Impact on the Classroom
Poverty in the United States is often seen as a matter of choice and personal responsibility – we work hard, and they don’t. In reality, the difference between “us” and “them” can often be as random as a layoff, divorce, death in the family, medical emergency, or natural disaster. Nevertheless, the belief that “I’ll never be in that position” runs deep and this mindset, along with issues associated with class culture, and diversity, can pose a range of challenges for even the most well-meaning and sensitive educator and school. This course will explore the ways poverty impacts students, educators, schools and the larger community.
Mar 28, 29 ,30 & Apr 4 , 5 , 6
Quakertown Spring Hill Suites
Quakertown, PA 18951
Jun 13, 14 ,15 & 20 , 21 , 22
Courtyard by Marriott Plymouth Meeting
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Mean Boys and Girls: A Look at Bullying Prevention in the Schools
Recent studies show that more than three quarters of students surveyed say that they have been bullied, joined in bullying another, or been both victim and perpetrator during their time at school. Many educators are looking for a simple fix, a way to “bullyproof” the school environment, yet research in the field and the experience of experts suggest the problem is much deeper and more entrenched. This course will provide educators with a broad view of the problem, beginning with the standard definitions of bullying and exploring the issue through various subsets, from gender to race. This class will look at legal attempts to control bullying behavior and will explore the impact of bullying both in the school setting and beyond.
May 30, 31 ,Jun 1 & 6 , 7 , 8
Courtyard by Marriott Montgomeryville
North Wales, PA 19454
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