Good Neighbor Service-Learning Award
Posted by on December 20, 2002
[posted from National CBO Service-Learning Listserv]
The Good Neighbor Service-Learning Award is now available for teachers and students (ages 5-25) to implement service-learning projects for National Youth Service Day 2003, April 11-13th. Fifty grants of $500 are available to youth and Fifty grants of $1,500 will be available for teachers (to engage classes). To apply, simply follow the application guidelines and submit a complete application. Applications are available on-line at To learn more about these and other resources, please visit our website or send an email to [email protected]. I would love to may contact with you all as well, considering I will be the contact person for all grant opportunties offered by YSA. Please feel free contact me via email or office if you have any questions or comments.
Thank you very much.
Toyasha Albert
Grants Manager
Youth Service America
1101 15th St. Ste. 200
Washington, D.C. 20005
202-296-2992 Ext. 18
Fax 202-296-4030
[email protected]
More in "Grant Opportunities"
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- Arts and Culture Grant & Info Session, William Penn Foundation – Mar 19
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