Global Learning and the College Curriculum: Nurturing Student Efficacy in a Global World

Posted by Association of American Colleges and Universities on May 30, 2016

Global Learning and the College Curriculum: Nurturing Student Efficacy in a Global World

A Network for Academic Renewal Conference
October 6–8, 2016
Denver, Colorado
Register by September 7, 2016, for best conference rates

AAC&U’s 2016 conference on Global Learning and the College Curriculum: Nurturing Student Efficacy in a Global World invites you to join with colleagues to learn how educators are placing real-world problem solving at the center of the undergraduate curriculum and discuss how global learning can be mapped equitably across the institution to chart a new course for inclusive curricular change.

Conference Highlights

Welcoming Remarks
Lynn Pasquerella, President-Elect, AAC&U

Keynote Address
Global Learning in (or Despite?) an Age of Technology
Kentaro Toyama, W.K. Kellogg Associate Professor, University of Michigan and author of Geek Heresy: Rescuing Social Change from the Cult of Technology (Public Affairs, 2015)

Featured Sessions

Nurturing Student Efficacy in a Global World: Student Perspectives
Making Global Learning Universal: Promoting Inclusive Excellence for All Students
Global Learning on US Soil

Internationalization of Higher Education: More than Student Mobility!
Hans de Wit, Director of the Center for International Higher Education and Professor, Lynch School of Education, Boston College

In addition to a full roster of concurrent sessions and plenary presentations, AAC&U also offers practical Pre-Conference Workshops—three hours of active learning with some of higher education’s leading innovators in developing strategies, practices, and policies that lead to student success.

Learn more about this conference, view the conference schedule, and register online.

For more information, please call 202.387.3760, or write to Karen Kalla at [email protected].

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