Future of Nursing Research Initiative
Posted by on September 26, 2011
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Invites Brief Proposals for Future of Nursing Research Initiative
Deadline: Rolling, Until January 3, 2012
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is coordinating a unique, multi-funder initiative to identify, generate, synthesize, and disseminate evidence essential to informing efforts to implement the recommendations outlined in the Institute of Medicine report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” and to contribute to the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action’s goal of advancing comprehensive change in healthcare for patients and the country. The purpose of this activity is to increase and focus national attention on a common research agenda related to the IOM recommendations and to facilitate and coordinate funding activity across a range of funders of nursing research.
RWJF is coordinating a funders’ community to identify, generate, synthesize, and disseminate evidence essential to inform and bolster efforts to implement the IOM recommendations. RWJF will accept brief proposals that address the initiative’s research priorities RWJF will also facilitate a screening and review process. Proposals that are determined to address the priorities of the campaign will be reviewed and scored by at least one scholar from nursing and one scholar from another discipline. The proposals will be scored based on relevance to the topics in this research agenda, potential impact of the project, and methodological rigor. Proposals that score a “3” or higher on each of these dimensions will be considered for funding by a range of funders who have indicated an eagerness to support discovery and validation of information related to each of the eight IOM recommendations. In this way, applicants will have access to a broader range of potential funders than they would have in a typical application process. Individual funders or combinations of co-funders who are interested in pursuing a funding relationship with an applicant will follow up directly with the applicant to request additional information, including more detailed proposals and budgets, where appropriate.
The funders expect that proposed projects will require diverse methods, varying timelines, and a wide range of project support. Whenever appropriate, the involvement of scholars from a range of disciplines and scholars early in their research careers is encourage. it is expected that some proposed projects could be accomplished for $5,000 while others may require $1 million to examine a question adequately.
For this solicitation, proposals submitted until the deadline of January 3, 2012 will be screened and reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants will be informed of the status of their proposal within one month of submission.
Visit the RWJF Web site for the complete Call for Proposals, application procedures, and access to program resources.
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