Future Leaders Forum at Food & Health Expo
Posted by on March 31, 2006
[posted from Sustainable Business Network newsletter]
Youth Organizations and Leaders invited to Future Leaders Forum at Food & Health Expo on April 9th
This note is an introduction and a request for nominations of youth organizations and youth leaders [12-28 years old] to participate in an invited Future Leaders Forum to be held at the upcoming Food & Health Expo, Loews Hotel, Phila, April 9, 2006, put on by the local Center for the Advancement of Cancer Education. The Expo is listed under Events at http://www.beatcancer.org/. We are seeking suggestions, introductions to and nominations of local, current and future youth leaders (and their adult mentors & sponsors ) to invite. Beyond the April 9th event, there will be ongoing leadership development opportunities for this youth population.
The Forum will be a showcase for and by Youth who are leading in multiple sectors towards a heatlhy, more sustainable, social, economic and environmentally prosperous future. Additionally, our purpose is to help the greater Philly audience connect with itself around a number of inter-related initiatives focused on growing the local, living economy/region as a whole and to foster youth development and leadership as part of creating healthy futures. We are coordinating this event in Philly because one of the national sponsors of our US Partnership Youth Campaign is sponsoring the Food & Health Expo in Philly and the local Center for Advancement in Cancer Education more broadly. This will be an invited gathering of youth and youth leaders to network, participate in a Leadership Forum and present the exciting and progressive community action they are spearheading across multiple sectors. It is not limited to the Food & Health domain, but we will emphasize and build on personal wellness and personal sustainability as a cornerstone of being an effective leader and citizen. That is the connection to this event. Those who are committed to contributing to the common good must take good care of themselves in order to serve.
Douglas Cohen
The Leadership Center
Cell 917.558.0107
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