Free Trainings on Neighborhood Information System
Posted by on March 21, 2003
Have you ever needed to find data about your neighborhood for a grant application? Would you like to learn how to make a map showing local parks and schools? Do you wonder how housing prices in your neighborhood compare to others across the city?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES then you should come to a free one hour training at the University of Pennsylvania to learn how to use the neighborhoodBase website. NeighborhoodBase is part of the Neighborhood Information System (NIS) and is designed to help community-based organizations, government agencies, researchers and concerned individuals in their efforts to analyze, transform and revitalize Philadelphia neighborhoods.
Preview neighborhoodBase at:
Trainings are held at the Cartographic Modeling Lab on the Penn campus and feature a classroom session followed by hands-on time in the computer lab. We will be offering trainings on the following dates:
Mon 3/31/03 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Mon 4/07/03 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Wed 4/16/03 11:00am – noon
Mon 4/21/03 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Wed 4/23/03 11:00am – noon
There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required as space is limited. To sign up, contact:
Heather McKelvey
NIS Outreach Coordinator
[email protected] [anytime]
(215) 573-4098 voice [Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only]
(215) 573-3019 fax [anytime]
The NIS is a project of the Penn’s Cartographic Modeling Lab with major ongoing support from the William Penn Foundation and the City of Philadelphia.
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