Financial Empowerment Centers seeks new partners

Posted by on January 27, 2014

City considering expansion of FECs

One of the goals Shared Prosperity Philadelphia, the City of Philadelphia’s plan to fight poverty, is to strengthen economic security and asset building. The primary vehicle for making progress towards this goal has been the implementation of the Financial Empowerment Centers, which offer free one-on-one financial counseling to anyone over the age of eighteen. With its non-profit partner, Clarifi, the City has opened seven Centers throughout the city, and, to date, has successfully helped nearly 2300 people reduce their debt, improve their credit scores, increase their savings, and secure bank accounts.

Based on the success of the first year, the City is exploring potential new partnerships for future Financial Empowerment Center expansion opportunities.

Specifically, it is looking for Philadelphia non-profits that serve clients who may be struggling financially. Examples include, but are not limited to social service agencies, housing agencies, hunger agencies, legal counseling, and immigration services. Ideal partners are high-traffic sites offering complementary services to those the Centers provide.

Financial assistance for future sites will likely be available, but the amount is dependent on number of counselors housed at each site and the level of service integration between the Financial Empowerment Center and the partner agency.

Organizations interested in becoming a Financial Empowerment Center should response to the City’s Request for Information, available here.

All questions and submissions should be sent electronically to Carey Morgan at

Responses due January 31, 2014.

More in "Partnerships Classifieds"

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