Fellowships for Research on Immigrant Children
Posted by on July 11, 2003
[posted from RFP Bulletin]
Foundation for Child Development Offers Fellowships for Research on Immigrant Children
Deadline: October 1, 2003
The Foundation for Child Development(http://www.ffcd.org/ ) offers the Changing Faces of America’s Children-Young Scholars Program to support a new generation of early career scholars and to develop a better understanding of the changing population of America’s children as represented by those living in immigrant families.
Young Scholars Program seeks to stimulate both fundamental and policy-relevant research on the development, early education, and health needs of immigrant children from birth to age ten, particularly those who are living in low-income families, and to support young scholars from the behavioral and social sciences or in an allied professional field to attain tenure at a college or university in the United States.
The program provides fellowships of up to $150,000 over three years maximum. Approximately three or four fellowships are available for support of individual scholarship by junior faculty. Fellowship recipients are expected to produce a book or article(s) suitable for publication, and to articulate how their research may potentially inform policies regarding young newcomer children.
Proposals may include research designs for an empirical study, pilot work for a larger-scale research project that will seek funding from other public and private funders, or analysis of data previously collected. Research areas of interest are limited to the following: factors (e.g., individual, familial, cultural, neighborhood) contributing to both positive and negative outcomes for young immigrant children in their communities and schools; individual and group identity formation among young children from a variety of groups living in different environments; the experiences of newcomer children in early education, kindergarten, and elementary school programs; language development among immigrant children; and evaluation of the impact of public policies in health and in education that affect the life prospects of newcomer children.
To be eligible for this program, applicants must hold a Ph.D. or its equivalent in one of the behavioral or social sciences or in an allied professional field (e.g., public policy, public health, education, social work, nursing, medicine). Scholars must have earned their Ph.D. within the ten years prior to June 30, 2003 (five years from completion of residency for M.D.s). Applicants must not have received tenure and must hold a position as a full-time, tenure-track faculty member of an American college or university located in the United States. Applicants must be United States citizens, permanent residents, or international scholars who are affiliated with an American academic institution during the duration of the award. Candidates from diverse backgrounds (e.g.,ethnicity, disciplines) are encouraged to apply.
For complete program guidelines and application procedures, see the Foundation for Child Development Web site.
RFP Link:http://www.ffcd.org/secondary/grntguid_our_process.htm
For additional RFPs in Children and Youth, visit: http://www.fdncenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_children.jhtml
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