Fall/Winter 2004 Issue of Community Works Journal avail.
Posted by on January 14, 2005
Fall/Winter 2004 Issue of Community Works Journal is Now Available in Print and On-Line!
Written by teachers and accompanied by student work and photos
Community Works Journal, features essays and reflections accompanied by curriculum overviews that highlight the importance of place, service, and sustainability to a relevant and meaningful education.
*** To review or download the issue’s PDF version go to Community Works On-Line at http://www.vermontcommunityworks.org
A Downloadable Order Form is Available for print copies.
* Pooling Knowledge in the Collaborative Spirit
* Redeeming Place: A Letter from the Mississippi Delta
* After the Asphalt: A San Francisco Alliance Sows City Full of Green School Yards
* A Fourth Grade Plants Hope in the Egyptian Desert
* Together We’re Better
* Learning through Collaboration: An Interview with Fern Tavalin
* A Student-Town Partnership
* Portrait of a Rural Teacher
* Getting Started with Primary Resources
* Building Community: A School Fire Provides a Unique Opportunity
* Youth Planning Charrettes: Designed to help offer creative and inspiring activities for children while imparting the value of planning in our everyday lives.
* Community Lessons: A collection of promising service-learning instructional practices from the teachers who use them.
* Literacy Corner Features Joseph and His Coat
* AND Regular contributing editors, Greg Sharrow, Jen Cirillo and David Sobel, provide timely reflections in “Educating for Sustainability,” “Discovering Community” and “Of Place And Education” that nicely complement the contents of this issue.
ALSO: A Special Summer Reflection Issue of Community Works Journal -in full color! – is available on-line, in PDF format, as a service to the educational community. [48 pages] Please contact us if you experience any technical glitches. A Limited Print Edition of this very special issue is available for $6 per copy, or $3.50 per copy for 20 or more. [call 802-655-5918 or visit our web site for info.]
The Journal, now in its eighth year of publication, continues to serve a crucial need for models and resources that inspire by example. We showcase innovative educational strategies and practices that involve teachers and students in meaningful work within their communities. Community Works Journal is distributed across North America and beyond to schools, programs, and educational networks.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: To receive notification of future issues of Community Works Journal, use the Easy Subscribe Form found on our Web site-Community Works On-Line.
PRINT COPIES: To obtain print copies of the Journal please send a check for $6 per copy to Community Works Press PO Box 2251, South Burlington, VT 05407 Identify the issue you wish sent to you, and include your name, complete address and email. A special bulk rate is available for schools and nonprofits.Call 802-655-5918 for more information
SUBMITTING ARTICLES: We welcome unsolicited article ideas; they will be reviewed and their authors contacted promptly. Email us at: [email protected] , or call 802-655-5918
PAST ISSUES: You will also find a growing archive of back issues of the Journal available for download. Use the links provided to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader which will enable you to open and print PDFs of the Journal.
CONTRIBUTIONS: Tax deductible contributions to support the Journal are very welcome and needed. Call 802-655-5918 for more information. Email: [email protected]
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