Fall Trainings for Nonprofit Organizations
Posted by on July 28, 2006
Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations
777 East Park Drive, Suite 300
Harrisburg, PA 17111
717-236-8584 Fax: 717-236-8767
Dear Hillary,
Back by Popular Demand Budgeting For Nonprofits!! Ed McMillan?s Spring workshops were such a hit and the subject matter in such high demand that we?re bringing him back in the fall! This time, the focus is budgeting & financial management. The program is broken into two sessions – 101 for the beginner: If you have had little or no financial training and are responsible for preparing and monitoring a budget for your nonprofit, then you don’t want to miss this seminar; and a 201 for the more advanced (half day): If you want to learn more about how you can better understand the operating rules and regulations as well as budget, you can benefit from these sessions! Presented by Ed McMillan, CPA, CAE.
Fraud Prevention (Half Day) – It?s unfortunate, but the reality is that you only think your employees are honest! This fascinating and practical workshop will walk the participants through actual fraud scenarios, discuss how the frauds occurred, and what internal controls would have prevented them. Additionally, participants will be provided a valuable handout to assess the thoroughness of their existing controls. Topics will include: profiles of embezzlers and warning signs; internal control tips and MORE! Presented: Ed McMillan, CPA, CAE.
The Making of a Great Nonprofit Manager (Full Day)
Would you like to manage an effective nonprofit organization? Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from the individual who literally wrote the book. Mike Sand?s new book, How to Manage an Effective Nonprofit Organization, was recently published by Career Press. The book provides nine chapters of practical information Mike has included in the several hundred workshops he has led since 1979 for representatives of nonprofit organizations across the country. Every attendee will be provided with a copy of the book. Mike will engage in a dialogue with the attendees to provide tips in the nine chapters topics: Effective Boards of Directors; Successful Community Fundraising; Writing Grants and Getting Them Funded; Managing Grants Once You Get Them; Developing a Strategic Plan; Being an Effective Supervisor, and more!
Grant Writing 101 & 201 (Each a half day session)
Grant seeking has never been more competitive than today. With information on grant opportunities so broadly available, most grant making foundations and agencies receive hundreds more worthy grant proposals for each funding cycle than they could ever fund. Learn to pre-judge your grant proposals by thinking like a grant maker. Give your proposals the competitive edge of a serious grant seeker. If you?re ready to get serious about grant writing, invest a day honing your skills with proven techniques for generating support. Offered in a 101/201 format, you can attend the session of your choice or attend both sessions as a full day. 101 is for those new to grant writing or those struggling to compose a truly compelling case for support for your mission, this session will provide a comprehensive overview of the grant seeking process. For experienced grant writers looking for that competitive edge that will place you ?above the cut? in the grant seeking process, the afternoon session will help you see your proposals through the eyes and hopes of the grant maker, and de-mystify the components of a fully-developed proposal. Presented by Linda Procopio and Eric Davis.
Grant Management (Half Day)
Many representatives of nonprofit agencies think problems are solved when a grant is approved by a funding source. However, grant approval brings with it a new set of challenges. Implementing grants efficiently can be extremely difficult. This workshop will cover common problems and provide practical solutions.
If you play any role in implementing grants including fiscal and programmatic assignments, you should attend this workshop. Topics covered will include: obtaining grant management information from the funding source; anticipating grant management problems; minimizing grant management issues; encouraging flexibility in managing grants and MORE! Attend Grant Management and Successful Community Fundraising on the same day as a full day! Session presented by Mike Sand.
Successful Community Fundraising (Half Day)
This workshop will concentrate on practical steps to plan to raise funds from individuals and businesses. Whether you?re nonprofit is planning a special event, running a phone or mail campaign, or soliciting funds from individuals, effective planning is essential! Session presented by Mike Sand. Topics covered will include: Roles of staff, board and non-board volunteers in the planning process; deciding on a fundraising strategy; effective public relations as part of fundraising; emphasizing fundraising that benefits the donor and MORE! Attend Successful Community Fundraising and Grant Management on the same day as a full day!
Visit http://www.pano.org/events.php for dates, times, location and more details! Questions please contact Grace Gilbert at 717-236-8584 or via email at [email protected].
More in "Other Local Events and Workshops"
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- Read by 4th Virtual Lunch and Learn: Stories in Motion – Mar 28
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