Equity Summit: Healthy Communities, Strong Regions, A Prosperous America
Posted by on August 22, 2011
Healthy Communities, Strong Regions, A Prosperous America
Detroit, Michigan, November 8-11, 2011
America stands on a precipice. Unprecedented economic challenges are testing our leaders making it hard to reach consensus on the strategies that are needed to invest in our future. At the same time, the country is approaching a historic demographic shift, when no single racial or ethnic group will hold the majority. And the 2012 election is bearing down. The way forward is uncertain, but it needn’t be. There is no better time to craft an agenda focused on equity: just and fair inclusion for all.
Register Today!
Join us and hundreds of diverse, committed, dynamic equity advocates to:
Learn about exciting innovations from around the country and the globe that are transforming distressed communities into communities of opportunity;
Explore strategies to secure good jobs, good schools, decent housing, healthy foods, and transportation choices for all; and
Develop action agendas that can help everyone to thrive.
Visionary speakers include:
Geoff Canada, President and CEO, Harlem Children’s Zone
Van Jones, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; Senior Policy Advisor, Green For All
Alejandro Echeverri Restrepo, Architect; Former Director of Urban Projects, Medellin, Colombia
View and download the Agenda-at-a-glance.
We look forward to seeing you there.
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