Equity in Mathematics Grants
Posted by on August 4, 2008
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Invites Applications for Equity in Mathematics Grants
Deadline: November 14, 2008
The Mathematics Education Trust of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (http://www.nctm.org/) has announced an increase in its Equity in Mathematics Grants for 2009-10. MET will award an $8,000 grant (increased from $3,000 last year) to an individual or a small group of teachers currently teaching mathematics in grades six through eight. Funded by the Iris Carl Fund and NCTM, the grant provides support to teachers to incorporate middle school classroom materials or lessons that will improve the achievement of student groups that have records of underachievement.
Proposals must address the following: the mathematics content as defined in the “Principles and Standards for School Mathematics” of NCTM; the plan for improving achievement of the targeted students; and the anticipated impact on their achievement. Recipients of the Equity in Mathematics Grant must be members of NCTM and be current teachers of mathematics in grades six through eight for at least 50 percent of the school day. Activities are to be completed between June 1, 2009, and May 31, 2010.
Visit the NCTM Web site for complete program information.
RFP Link: http://fconline.foundationcenter.org/pnd/15014411/nctm
For additional RFPs in Education, visit: http://foundationcenter.org/pnd/rfp/cat_education.jhtml
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